सीधे मुख्य सामग्री पर जाएं

Info of Your land docx.Description of Columns of Khasra or Form P-2 for understanding your land n it's use in written way.

In earlier post we have discussed about khasra form p-2.
Now we will discuss about all 12 columns n it's descriptions.
Column 1-- shows unique khasra or survey number of part of land in particular revenue unit like village.
Column 2-- shows area of that khasra number.area of khasra number is in acre or hectare in unit.
Column 3--shows details of land holder of that khasra number.name of holder of the part of land in particular area is described with father name,address,type of ownership etc
Column 4-- relates with old fashioned duties like jamindari pratha, maurushi krashak.this is not important in now a days.
Column 5 -- shows the name of crop  which is grown in that khasra no in one agriculture year.name of crop is entered by patwari or surveyer in time of girdavari.
Column 6-- shows the area of crop which is entered by surveyed of revenue village.his much area covered by crop is written in this column.
Column 7-- shows area in which farmers grow crops twice for both seasons kharif n rabi in one agriculture year.
Column 8-- shows area in which farmers doesn't grow crops or do any agricultural activity in one whole agriculture year.such type area are entered in this column.
Column 9-- shows area when conditions are same for 2 to 5 years.then such area are entered in this column.
Column 10-- shows area when condition of column no 8 are same for more than 10 years.Also in such conditions,where construction for agriculture activity like tube well,well,farming house or other buildings.so such area can not be used for agriculture activity n entered in this column.
Column 11-- shows area n crops name of encroachment.This column is used only when someone or farmers encroach governmental area for growing crops.
Column 12-- shows all entry like orders that can not enter in column from 1 to 11.
So friends this article ll help you to understand your land documemt.
Thanx for reading.
#jaankaar #read_to_be_knowledgeble. #khasra #form_P-2


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

Form P-2( Khasra ) in Land Records? Important document for knowing your Land.

What is form P-2 ( khasra ) in land records ?Columns of khasra & it's description? #jaankaar   #landmutation   #bhoomi_namantran   #type_of_land_mutation #khasra #form_P-2 #Read_to_be_knowledgeable Hello Friends.... Today we will know about main record of land that is khasra.this is very important n main record.so basically khasra is a kind of register or jild in which numbers of land are arranged in increased manner like 1 2 3....So on. Number of lands are known as khasra number or survey number of land in particular area like revenue village of district. In one revenue village the total area of land are divided into many parts of land.each part of land have unique number in that particular area that is known as khasra number or survey number. When all khasra numbers are arranged in the form of P-2 then that jild or register of perticular area are called as KHASRA for that perticular area or revenue village. So form p-2 is a form designed by our ...

भू-दस्तावेज खतौनी (B-1) क्या होती है और इसकी क्या उपयोगिता है?

खतौनी या फार्म B-1 क्या है?जमीन से जुड़ी कौन सी जानकारी इसमें होती है? नमस्कार मित्रों.... पिछले पोस्ट से हम फार्म P-2 या खसरा और उसके खानावार/columnwise भरी जाने वाली एंट्रीज के बारे में जान चुके हैं। अब आगे इस पोस्ट में भू-अभिलेख के एक और महत्वपूर्ण दस्तावेज खतौनी या फार्म B-1 के बारे में जानेंगे। क्या होती है खतौनी? खतौनी भू-अभिलेख दस्तावेज होता है जिसमे  किसी एक क्षेत्र या राजस्व ग्राम में किसी कृषक या उसके परिवार द्वारा धारित कुल खेतों के नंबर या खसरा नंबर और उसकी कुल भूमि की जानकारी इंद्राज रहती है। खतौनी नाम से स्पष्ट है कि एक ऐसा रजिस्टर या जिल्द जिसमे कृषक या उसके परिवार द्वारा धारित कुल भूमि का विवरण खातेवार रहता है।इसीलिए इस दस्तावेज को खतौनी कहा जाता है। एक राजस्व ग्राम के कृषकों का यह विवरण राज्य सरकारों द्वारा एक निश्चित प्रारूप या फार्म B-1 के रूप में समाहित या संकलित होता है। अतः स्पष्ट है कि कृषकों का खातेवार विवरण जिस नियत प्रारूप में जो दस्तावेज बताता है वह खतौनी b1 कहलाता है। खतौनी भू-अभिलेख का सहायक दस्तावेज होता है जो कि ...

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